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Ad Details

  • Ad ID: 2667

  • Added: August 25, 2023

  • Sale Price: ₹ 00

  • Regular Price: ₹ 00

  • Location: India

  • Views: 382

  • Website: Hot Air Oven

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Are you in search of a reliable and efficient Laboratory Hot Air Oven for your laboratory testing needs? Look no further! We’re offering a top-notch laboratory hot air oven for sale, designed to meet the rigorous demands of laboratory process in various industries. Whether you’re a professional baker, a laboratory technician, or an industrial user, this hot air oven is designed to meet a wide range of needs. It’s perfect for baking, drying, curing, sterilizing, and much more. Presto Hot Air Oven Specifications, It is a unique test cabinet designed to detect the change in the physical characteristics of the material and to ascertain the actual working life of the testing device at elevated temperatures. Works on Forced air circulation, and thermal convection principle, suitable for Tests like heat deformation, compression set, and heat resistance required in rubber and plastic industries. Works on Forced air circulation, and thermal convection principle, perform various types of tests like heat deformation, compression set, and heat resistance required in rubber and plastic industries. The Hot Air Oven comes with an air circulating fan for maintaining heating efficiency. If you want to know about the price of this laboratory testing equipment then you can give us a call at +919210903903 or email us at


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