civillinekanpur Verified

Member Since  April 5, 2024

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To meet the requirements of young children attending nursery school, Preschool in Civil lines Kanpur, is working on a curriculum that is driven by research and makes use of technical aids. The child-focused setting of Bachpan Pre School in Civil Line Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, combined with qualified teachers makes for a successful kindergarten experience. At Play Group, Nursery, LKG, and UKG, we offer a multilayered teaching and facilitation program. Over five lakh two- to five-year-old children have been taught and raised by us thus far. Preschool life is made precious and unforgettable by our cutting edge teaching tools and technology, such as Pritab, Talking Pen, Robotics, Virtual Reality, and Smart Class. As leading providers of preschool education, we at Bachpan strive to continuously improve our Kindergarten setup and expand our business.